We are here to help

Offering bespoke Hypnotherapy, tailored to your individual needs.

We recognise that everyone has different experiences, different needs and has their own ways of coping with these. 

What we offer is the opportunity to try a Hypnotherapeutic approach, to see if we can ease your pain, reduce that anxiety, boost that confidence to enable you to live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Hypnotherapy is a well respected field and has been proven to assist with all manner of issues from low self-esteem, weight loss, addictions to depression and trauma. The list really is endless. 

What we do

We offer Hypnotherapy sessions that suit you. Both in person, or virtually.

Face to face therapy

We work from a variety of locations in the South Wales area, enabling us to be flexible, finding the best place to suit you and your needs. 

We can come to your home, if you would prefer, or are unable to get around. 

Virtual therapy sessions

Virtual hypnotherapy is no less effective than doing it in-person. It's a relatively new field, emerging off the back of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

But it helps to reduce costs and provides a greater degree of flexibility in terms of appointment timing. Not to mention being able to have Hypnotherapy in the comfort of your own home. 

Outdoor therapy sessions

At Keystone Therapy, we're acutely aware that everyone is different. Some of us feel more at home in the great outdoors, and that is perfectly natural. 

There are a wide variety of local outdoor locations, perfect for Hypnotherapy. Let us know where your ideal place would be!

Shannon - Age 26.

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"I have always had a fear of public speaking. The mere thought of standing in front of a crowd, with all eyes on me, made me incredibly anxious. It held me back both personally and professionally.  I knew that if I wanted to reach my true potential, I had to conquer this fear. That's when I stumbled upon hypnotherapy. Skeptical at first, I decided to give it a try, desperate for a solution that could transform my life. 

Little did I know that this decision would change everything. From the moment I stepped into the serene, inviting office of my hypnotherapist, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. Liam immediately made me feel at ease. 

We began by discussing my fears and anxieties, delving into the root causes of my public speaking phobia. Then, the hypnotherapy session began. As I settled into a comfortable chair, the therapist guided me into a state of deep relaxation. With each soothing word spoken, I could feel my mind and body slipping into a peaceful trance. It was as if I was floating, detached from the weight of my fears. 

During the session, the therapist skilfully planted positive affirmations into my subconscious mind. These suggestions were tailored specifically to build my confidence in public speaking. They reinforced my belief in my own abilities, rewiring my thought patterns to eliminate self-doubt and fear. 

It was like reprogramming my mind for success. As the session progressed, vivid imagery and visualisations were employed to enhance the effectiveness of the therapy. I could see myself standing on a stage, radiating confidence and delivering my speech with poise and charisma. The fear that once gripped me was replaced by a deep sense of empowerment. When the session concluded, I felt an incredible surge of newfound confidence. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I was ready to take on the world. 

Over the following weeks, I noticed a remarkable transformation within myself. I was able to deliver two presentations as part of my masters degree which I later found to have achieved 72% in both. I no longer felt the familiar knot in my stomach or the trembling in my hands when faced with an audience. Instead, I stood tall, spoke eloquently, and connected effortlessly with my listeners. 

Through hypnotherapy, I not only conquered my fear of public speaking but also discovered a deeper sense of self-assurance that extended beyond. It positively impacted various aspects of my life, from professional presentations to social gatherings. I became a more assertive, persuasive communicator, gaining respect and admiration from those around me. 

If you're struggling with a fear of public speaking, I wholeheartedly recommend hypnotherapy. It was a transformative experience that tapped into the power of my subconscious mind and unleashed my true potential. Thanks to the expertise and guidance of Liam, I now embrace public speaking as an opportunity for growth and self-expression. 

Take that leap of faith, trust in the process, and witness the incredible journey to confident public speaking unfold before your eyes. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your voice deserves to be heard, and with hypnotherapy, you'll discover the confidence to captivate any audience."


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